My Life Verse

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in Thy sight O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Saturday, February 27, 2021

“ Here I am to worship.....Here I am to bow down, Here am I to say that You’re my God......You’re altogether worthy, altogether lovely, altogether wonderful to me”.......but Lord, my best friend is gone.....It’s so hard without him.....I still don’t understand why!

What am I doing without him?  I’m not even sure.  I’m in a room filled with people, and still feel alone.  I have to tell You that it makes me very uncomfortable.  I miss so much about him!  I can’t even believe how much I miss.  Especially some of the funnier things.  Today marks a year that You took him to be with You. I do wonder why I had no warning.  I think You might have surprised him too.  He had me convinced he’d live forever. And now....everything has changed.  I don’t want to be a burden to my family....You do know that, I hope.  Please help me accept my life as it is now.  Help me to be the best version of myself without my love beside me. This being the first anniversary of his death shows me that somehow, midst all the paperwork and incessant reminders of his being gone.....I’ve managed to go on with my life.....without him.  I do thank you again that You chose him for me.  It was a long time after we were married, that I realized, it wasYou that did the choosing. 

The familyYou allowed us to create was our biggest contribution to the world.  We did our best.  They are in Your hands now.  The churches we pastored got the best we knew how to offer.  They certainly had the best in the preacherman they’d chosen.  You know, Lord.....often people have a strange reaction once the “Honeymoon”is over and they find out a real human being lives in the parsonage.  We tried hard to be faithful to each soul in our reach. It was the commitment we made to You when we knelt for our Ordination. I felt as if we were getting married again.  I remember it so well.  

I’m asking, dear One....that You walk with me each day.  It’s easier knowing You’re by my side....helping me make choices my husband would be proud of.  I continue to put my trust in You... “I love You, Lord......and I lift my worshipYou, O my soul.....rejoice.....Take joy , my what You hear....May it be a sweet, sweet sound... in Your ear”.

All of these words, placed carefully together....present the thoughts of my heart.  They are a prayer to You, Lord. And they are written in the name of Jesus.  Amen.

1 comment:

  1. So beautiful! Yes you both did your best at CFC, Virginia. Pastor John was a wonderful boss to me and we (Don and I) looked up to both of you and considered you our wonderful friends. I will continue to pray that you will still know happiness and peace in your remaining years on earth until you are reunited with John. You are loved! Do not consider yourself a burden to your children. I am sure the feel it a priviledge to meet your needs! Blessings to you Corrine!!
