My Life Verse

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in Thy sight O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Monday, April 15, 2013

Dear One......You are the sunshine of my life.  You make the days worth living.  You provide my soul with the nourishment that I need and You give me peace in the midst of storms that threaten to take me out.  I am so grateful for the power of prayer......yet, just being able to tell You the inner turmoil that I struggle with, makes me feel a little more freedom.  I am filled with the memories of the sadness's of the past....and how, even as I peruse them in my mind, I can see how You worked through them to give me peace and strength.....and bring glory to Your own self.  I do thank You that after I have given my soul thoughts to You and even perhaps, a vow to do better, You give me peace, after getting it out of my system.  It also turns out that after a time, sometimes years, I look back and am reminded that the burden I bore and then gave to You......was indeed, attended to, by You, and forgotten by me.  I feel that You have performed so many of those kinds of miracles in my life, I could never begin to say "thank You" enough.  That's exactly what they are to me.  Miracles.  Who in the world wants to hang onto the sadness  and past sorrows and moan about them all over again.  I remembered that fact the other day as I was speaking with a relative about an event that had happened in my life.  Lord, You have healed me in such a divine manner, and  the details so fuzzy, I couldn't even tell the story!  Now, Lord.....those are the miracles that unless someone tries it, they don't believe it can happen.  So many of my "Lord, Change Me!" experiences have given that to me.  Evelyn Christenson's book made me see that You are the One that does the "changing part" for us....after we have relinquished our stubborn behavior to You.  I pray, Father, that those who sat under my tutelage in those classes, will one day see that miraculousness of how You do that for us.
After all of the years and classes I taught, I think only one person, no.....two, I think, ever came to me and told me of victory that they received by trying that technique in their lives.  I still love it.....I still live by it.....even though, I usually feel that I am NOT the one that needs to change....! ( Sorry, Lord.)  But, I know that, You, once given the task to take over for me....... show me what I need to do again. And again.  And, again! 
The happenings of the week have pushed and shoved my anxiety level to the top.  I did my best to turn over to You the areas I can do nothing about. The phone calls, the devotionals I studied, the "plan of action" I should move on.....all took my effort.  Guess what, Lord......?  I can't lose an ounce of weight riding my bike while I am eating cherry pie ala mode! (No one would believe I did that, would they?)  Like I said, these things took "my effort" but , what I couldn't say is,  they took my "best" effort.  You can do things for us.....shove us to move and make changes.....but, You have to stand back and watch, shake Your head in amazement at how dense we can be.  In what ever journey I am on, Lord......physical, mental, emotional, spiritual.......I can accomplish nothing of worth, unless my heart is truly cooperating with You.  Give me Your strength, Lord.  Only You can give me the direction I need.....and , I will faithfully serve, to the best effort I can give.  
In Your name I pray......Amen.  

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