My Life Verse

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in Thy sight O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Monday, March 16, 2020

John wanted to write a book, Lord.  He kept telling people that he wanted me to help him.  "Just a small one", he said.  Dear One.....I don't understand.  It would have been good to help him go through the answers to prayer he felt were going to save him. He felt assured that the five month chemo plan would free him from the confines of the terrible disease that he was afflicted with.  We both did, Lord. Seldom are you ever told that  you will be cancer free in six months.  Now we know that it was not Your plan at all. 

I wish so much, dear One.....that it had been.  I just cannot hardly take it into my brain. He's not here  with the next room sleeping.  He'd be upset I'm still up. He'd say, "You need your rest....why don't you come to bed."  I always assured him I'd be okay.  It's almost 2 AM, now. I took that sinus medication. Too bad I took the daytime pills. Right now, Lord.....with what has happened, I would rather sleep.

Thank you though, Lord....I have needed to talk.  I just haven't.  I've let Your servants pray for me.  To lift give me strength.  I have to walk on my own, Lord.  You can give me Your strength.  I am too weak on my own.  John's favorite verses I've decided to take on as my own....they will of course always be with me.  Proverbs 3:4,5 and 6 tell me that if I trust in the Lord with all my heart....if I don't lean on my own understanding of anything that happens....and if I acknowledge You in all I do....You will direct my paths. I believe You will. 

It's a little scary, Lord.....this path, I'm on.  My heart is breaking.  I have been very used to having a loving, patient, Godly, preacherman by my side.  No one could make me laugh like he could.  You picked out the perfect husband for me......dear One, I will forever be grateful. I don't know what would have happened to my life if You hadn't chosen him for me.  

Of course, I am going to wait on You.  I'm going to try very hard to be patient. Please show me your way.  Give me Your peace.  Give me Your presence.  Give me the hope of a brighter day.

In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.....I speak and ask for mercy.  Amen.


1 comment:

  1. Aunt Corrine, I love your posts. I love you. Please keep writing your prayers here...they are beautiful.
