My Life Verse

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in Thy sight O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Saturday, January 25, 2014

I never will understand it Lord.  Trouble is everywhere.  The news.  The places we frequent.  The people we know.  Even the church.  Someone is always unhappy.  Someone is always ticked off about the behavior of someone else.  Someone is always something.  Very rarely do we find folks.....happy or joyful or pleased with their life.  And, when we do.....we're almost....trying to find something wrong. this just me and my dazzling personality again?  Lord....what is it?

I guess Lord, the problem I find irksome, is that the scriptures mean different things to different people.  I see, Lord, that so often You provide answers for us in ways we never even thought of.....and there are also times when You are so quiet in our quest to have an immediate solution, we tend to give up.  I get so annoyed when I think about the Israelite needy and unfulfilled they were on a consistent basis.  You'd listen and reply to their cries and give them what they wanted and then, just a few days later, and they were complaining because they wanted something else or something more.  The reason I said...."I get so annoyed...." is because I concluded a few years ago, I may have been in that group of complainers....and it bothers me.  Lord, I know what happened to them.  Please, Lord.  Change my heart.  Especially when I find myself in that state.  I don't want to be like that.  Lord, I want each day to be a new surprise for me.  One where I wake up and see that I have been blessed to wake up and see another one.....and then, find a way to please You in going about my day.  This is where I have failed so often.  I hesitate stepping out of the box I am so comfortable in.  I am good at nesting.....and love to place all I am comfortable that box.  When I feel threatened or afraid....I want to hole up.  Lord, help me to not be fearful to reach love and express that to those who need me. The thoughts that plague me....the problems that everyone faces....tend to always land me in the throes of depression.  I  have to believe something, Lord.  That scripture that gave me light today was from Phillipians 4:8.  It tells me to "fix my thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable"......and to "think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise".  I guess, Lord, I have to stop concerning myself with what others feel "the truth" is.  I suppose I should realize that the enemy will use anything to confuse and decieve.  I believe it.

Father, all I write today...I speak in the name of Jesus.  Amen.

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