My Life Verse

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in Thy sight O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Monday, March 31, 2014

Sitting here, staring at this empty space makes me wonder if I should keep this up.  This prayer blog thing I do.  As You can see Lord, sometimes what I want to say, is for Your eyes and ears  alone.  I tend to talk to You as I do no one else. I do this only because You are the One that can fix whatever is broken for me. I expect no one else to.   I remember, years ago,  when I began reading the "Lord, Change Me!" book by Evelyn Christenson.  I was amazed at the things You inspired me to do through her writing.  I also remember teaching it.  I passed along this plethora of information because I thought "everyone" needed to see it, hear it, believe it  and adopt it into their own thinking.  It had changed me, so naturally I believed it would change others too.  I think after all of these years, three, no, maybe  four people, have told me that "Lord, Change Me!" helped them too.  Thinking about that I guess could make me feel badly that so few caught the idea and ran with it for their own spiritual growth, but, for some reason, it doesn't. Today, anyway!  I am grateful to have learned those concepts for my own life.  I recently read some scripture, on my phone as a matter of fact, and YOU spoke to me loudly and clearly.  It wasn't just a coincidence.  I know it.  You spoke to me.  I felt desperate and You knew that.  I am blessed by You.....over and over and over.  Thank You, Lord.  "Reading until You speak" is a concept that amazes me.  When You do that for me, I am filled with joy for what You can do with someones life when they allow You access.  When I read that You saw me being formed in the womb of my mother......and watched all of the organs being formed, the nerves and muscles placed.....I know, there are times I worry about the "wiring" being a little skewed.....but, You, dear One, KNOW me.  How I think.  How I process.  I am touched because of the fact that You know me and love me.  Just as I am.  My job and my joy, is to entertain angels...and be Your instrument.
Help me, Jesus.  I want to make You proud. 
I pray in the name of Jesus.  Amen.  

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