My Life Verse

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in Thy sight O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Sunday, May 29, 2011

BE NICE. (Okay, I will try!)

Oh, boy! I don't even know where to start, Lord. It's another one of those days where I would
just rather not write. Even though I know should always take time to.....I don't. You know, Lord? Everytime I forego my time with You....I regret it. I never feel fully ready for the day.
Yes, I can talk to You throughout the day and usually do.....but I love the warm and fuzziness
of that memory of us sitting together and me pouring my heart out to You. See, there is no one
else that can give me that freedom but You. I am still awed that You know me and still love me.
Way too often, I feel like I am way too much trouble for You to have to fuss with all the time. I
am grateful Lord. I'm grateful for the cross and the trauma You went through for me. Even as
I write it ..... or say it ..... I still am not sure how You think I am worth that to You. There is no
greater love.....than a man lay down his life. Is that a scripture, Lord? I think it is.....I need to
spend time there researching that.

Earlier this week I confessed I was disgruntled by the lofty thoughts that some christians speak of.I don't understand some of the verbage used by those who love You and want to get their message out. I believe I am urged by You not to be so
judgemental about things like that. I believe it is only a tactic that allows satan to nudge me by
the very fact that I am not a theologian of the scriptures and maybe I wish that I were.....and
could be IF I really wanted to. (I do not wish to have any loose ends available for him to latch
himself onto that would draw him into my being.)

Now, Lord.....entreat me any way You want to. I can never attain enough to understand the
encompassing love of God. I don't think it's possible, Father.
I do thank You for the devotionals that have encouraged me this week. I was slightly taken
back when I read how You were dismayed with Moses when he did not pay close enough
attention to Your direction as to how to get water for "the complainers". The first time You
told him to strike the rock......and of course, the second time he probably figured he wouldn't
bother you with more of their complaining.....and decided to go ahead on his own and strike the
rock again. (If it worked one time, it should work again, right? ) So, he did and You were not
happy that he didn't see fit to ask Your direction for him. Lord, does that tell me that no matter
what.....whatever circumstance there is.....don't go off on our own and try to solve our own
difficulties because "we've been here before and we can handle this". I will remember this.
I have thought this, Lord. I've thought, "No sense in bothering You with this , Lord.....I can
do this.....and You just might be proud of me in taking care of business............No? What? Did
I hear You right, Lord? " Okay, I got it! Now I see that the reason I have You in my life is to
not only enjoy You as my very closest friend....but as the answer to every dilemna I encounter.....
You know what is best for me. You know the desires of my heart. Even if I do not. For You,
Lord.....I give You my heart. I give You my words. I give You my attitude. I give You the
stuff of life that annoys me.
You are the One that can fix my face.....and my attitude. Today is Yours. I ask that You would
bless the service that has been planned for our Memorial Day Celebration. I would ask, Lord
that with all of the music, readings and special attention to our veterans and troops in faraway
lands, that we would honor You and the freedom we have in this part of the world we are
blessed to live in.
I pray in the name and will of Jesus. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Christy Davis DivenJune 2, 2011 at 2:06 PM

    I'm shocked that you can write so well and make such good sense at 2:56am in the morning...I guess if thats when the spirit moves you then you have to do it or you won't get any sleep. We all could try to be a little nicer!
