My Life Verse

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in Thy sight O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Monday, December 5, 2011

 It's the same thing every year, Lord.  Making the list. And, then.....what can I buy them that they really would like.  It seems to be a quandary more and more.  Very few of us really need anything except more money to pay bills.  The "gotta' have it....gonna' get it now" mentality is way too pervasive and creeps in so quietly we're not even aware it is happening.....and then, when someone asks......What do you need?  Or, what can I give you that you really want?  There is the same answer everywhere....way too often.  "Well, I don't need that......or want that......or like that......I already have one like fact....I didn't like it so I got a newer one!"  On and on it goes.  We try and fail regularly.  Atleast I seem to.  Okay, so what do I do?  Buy everyone something at the dollar store?  When we have to put money or a gift card in an envelope and hand it to the recipient.....does that convey our good wishes for this special time of year?  I am guilty, Lord.  I have too much.  Things I wanted, so I did what many do.....bought them....and didn't think twice.  What happened to feeling guilty because I should have waited until I really had the money or did something for someone else in stead.  Lord, I think I need to have a new perspective on an old question.  Why do we give?  Why do I give?  Is it so people will think we are....what?  Wonderful?  Special?  I'm not sure anymore.  I did at one time make special gifts to show my finesse at creating things.....and enjoy the wordy applause.  It's embarrassing to admit that.....and then to realize it is not the real intent of gift giving.  Your Father, Lord......our Holy Spirit, gave to us a most precious gift.  A child.  The purpose was to show us the way of salvation.  From birth to death to life in Christ.  It was unwarranted.  It had never even been dreamed of.  It was too "over the top".  Expensive?  In pain and agony and humiliation to the enth degree.  But, was what gives us the hope of Eternal Life and joy and peace and all the wonderful gifts You provide us with.  We have never received anything that compares and never will.  To think of Christ , the child given............and not receive Him with anything but thanksgiving and exuberant joy is to laugh in the face of God and say......What?  You expect me to be thrilled with this?  Take it back.  I'm not interested in having this gift.  I want a REAL present."  Oh, Jesus......Savior of this world.....let me give and receive in the manner You gave to me.  I receive the Christ.  As I open this beautifully wrapped me remember, there is no gift that can top this One.  It is as good as it gets.  For me......and my house......who all serve You......may we ever be grateful and love You as You allow us to.  It is with joy I serve You, Lord.  You are my purpose.  Happy day to You, Lord.  I praise You and bless Your name.  Amen.

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