My Life Verse

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in Thy sight O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Lord.....I have seen so many good verses this week.  Verses that encourage me and even ones that try my spirit.  I suppose those are the best ones.  I do like it when You show me areas I need to work on.  As a wife, mother, and spiritual leader.....I need to have my heart and mind open to change my thinking when it is skewed or self-serving.  Lord....You know my heart.  You know my thoughts.  You know how the wiring is hooked up in my thinking process.  Whether it is a spiritual adventure or a secular journey.....I need for You to help me guide myself into what is the best for me.....and, I think it all comes back to my spiritual path.  That is where my heart is.  That is what my goal is.  Seldom do I ever go into an adventure anymore without asking for Your wisdom to guide me.  Whether shopping......preparing the worship music for the next out a closet.....advising an individual that has asked my help.....making a piece of jewelry.....(uh, I guess I could go on and on)......all of the areas of my being, I think,  require Your input.  I would imagine that some would argue that.....or feel it is a sign of weakness......but, Lord......I don't.  Not at all.  At this point in my life.....I think, even, more so, I second guess myself.  Have I got my key 's?  Did I grab my cell phone?  Do I have my........head on straight? Our friends that we vacation with laugh when they see my glue gun, or duct tape, or my mini-tool box!  "What in the world do you need that for?"  "Who knows?" , I think!  Maybe I will.  Maybe I won't.  I just love being able to say when someone has a need for something I have....."Hey,  I've got just what you need!".  Lord, I  wonder why I am like that.  I did the same thing when my children were babies.  I always had an extra bottle.....or pacifier.....or diaper.....or wash cloth (there were no "wipes" when my children were babies).....or outfit change.....or toy.  Once in a while, there was a need I couldn't fulfil, but, most of the time I was over prepared.  Lord, I still try to be ready for anything.....but, it seems I am losing my finesse at that particular attribute.  I wish I had the right response for everyone when they need a word.  Sometimes, there is nothing.  I find myself so silence-stricken I am annoyed with myself.  Almost to the point of being afraid to speak for fear it would hurt anothers feelings.  Where do we draw the line.  I have often wondered, is it my job to speak up on behalf of another?  Or, is that their own?  How far do I go?  Lord, You know I have crossed that line.  I have deep regrets about that.  And, I still wonder.....should I have?  Or should I have just stayed silent?  There is scripture that can almost be molded to say what one thinks they want it to say.  I have used that at times to try to prove my point(s).  I think I may have been wrong.  But, what is to be done, Lord, when that line has been crossed.   You can ask forgiveness from another.....but, it tends to often be just a weak nod of assent and then, without fail,  the relationship is usually changed forever.  I wonder how folks reacted in the days when Your followers were preaching and teaching.  Some were more than likely better preachers and teachers than others.  Paul nixed one mans hope of "preaching to the masses" because of his own feelings about him.  And, undoubtedly started a multitude of emotions that he didn't even worry about "fixing".  Those are always the areas of concern I worry about.  I try to analyze the feelings and the fixing of them.  It never seems to work out very well.  Just about the time I think I have it all figured out.....I see quite clearly that I had it all wrong.  Soooo.......I need wisdom, Lord.  Yours. Literally and figuratively.  I need to place my concern and trust in You.  I need for You to give me the shove I need when I need it and time to "zip it" when I get agitated. 
Your way is what I want more than anything.  Your words.  Your time. 
All I ask, I ask in the name of Jesus.  Amen. 

An afterthought:  You know, I looked at the finished prayer after posting,  I saw directly above it, is another prayer. My life verse.  I claimed this long ago after learning it as a girl in VBS.
"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Thy sight, O Strength and my Redeemer" Psalm 19:14.    The cries of our heart are answered so often before we even speak.  Thank You, Father.

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