My Life Verse

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in Thy sight O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Oh, Lord......I am so thankful that I can depend on You to hear the cries of our hearts.  I am so thankful that You know how we need to connect with and out of season.  Lord...a few days ago.... I wanted to write out loud and tell You that someone we love so much, is on his way to You.  Of course, I knew.....I didn't have to warn You.  You already knew it.   But, I could tell in our light conversation, it would more than likely be our last.  We shared a laugh here and there, but the context of the visit very grateful we were (my husband and I) to have been included in their list of friends and how very special they were to us. A kiss goodbye and a final look.....and I knew it was probably the on earth.  There have been a few times when You have allowed me the privilege to be in the presence of those to have finished their course here on earth and have begun the journey to be with You.  I remember so well when I was attending to a very special friend in the night hours.....and how she raised up a bit once and said, "Take me."  I rushed to her side and assured her I would take her anywhere she wanted to go.  Of course, Lord.....I was assuming it was a request to visit the bathroom......and then, realized......she was calling out to the white robes she was seeing in the distance.
Lord, to be that close to one who is on the threshhold of Heaven, to me, is an honor.....and a blessing.  I almost feel guilty now because of calling their attention back to me with such incidental statements or inane questions.  Nothing is as important anymore, as making it inside the gate.  It seems that it is  too late for the "I love you's" and "Forgive me!" statements then.  Anyway, know and truly see that peace of seeing one enter Your presence, is a gift.  Dear One.....thank You for that privilege. 
Thank You for the peace that comes with giving our sin and burdens over to You and believing that You give us such rest in knowing You remember "all of it" no more.  The impossibility of that is not understandable.....not to my mind, anyway.  It is just something I accept and cherish because You promised it.  To all of us, Lord.......who call You "Lord"......You have given this wonderful privilege to have peace in the last hours of  life.  Some may consider it a storm......or a great thing to be feared.....but to enter into Your presence with a sense that we have fought a great fight and won over the power of the evil such an awesomely wonderful sense of peace .....that does defy any understanding of the human mind.  You provide us such wonderful gifts.
Lord Jesus....."Take my life and let it be....consecrated Lord, to Thee.  Take my moments and my days....Let them flow in ceaseless praise.....Let them flow in ceaseless praise."  And so much more......Lord, to be the vessels of and for Your use, I pray to be filled. ( And, yes.....I know.....there are days I am sick and tired of being used, emptied, re-filled and emptied again......yes, I know....I do complain alot!)  Just ignore my complaining and keep piling it on.  I do want to fulfil any plan You have for me.....all the time. 
And, for all of this.....I thank You and I pray in the name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your encouraging thoughts.
