My Life Verse

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in Thy sight O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Thank You, dear One, for the promises of Your word to us.  For the promise of springtime.  For the promise of eternal life with You.  For the forgiveness of sins that You provide us.  And, for taking the time, Lord, to address the cries of my own spirit.  Often I You, or one of my kids about my "plight".  And, really Lord, I know that no one person can help me.  You have to address the things that seem to gnaw at me......the things that cause me to feel uncomfortable or discontented.  I don't like feeling that way.  It's almost like I can feel a storm coming.....a bad one.....and I am fearful that I might have to run to the basement for protection in case the house would blow down.  That's a good way to describe my anxiousness sometimes.  I have to secure things with You before my house blows down.  I am grateful that You are the One that does run things in my life.  I try.  I do the best I can, but, I can never quite get it done.  There is always something else to handle.  Maybe......(?).......maybe, it's just the way life is.  For the worries that concern me and the endless projects to be started and/or finished......I place them at the foot of the cross.  I would like to think that since the scriptures tell us we shouldn't  worry about tomorrow,  I could do just that...but, regrettably, I am too human to do that.  I'd like to handle it, Lord......but, it's so much easier to give it to You.  You know exactly how I think.....You know how stubborn I can be.....(like a dog not letting go of a bone).....and I guess You already know how right I always think I am......well, I can take it from You!!  And, I promise.....I will.
I find that when I have exhausted all my resources, I am content to let You show me Your way.  I am ashamed to say it.  When I look at it in black and white, I am ashamed.  My way.....shouldn't be the first solution I look for.  I suppose that it's my need to see a quick solution....and that isn't how You work.  After a time,  maybe when we are sitting alone talking one day in heaven, You can explain to me why You never lost patience with me.  I am grateful, Lord.....for the devotional You sent my way today, courtesy of Joni Eareckson Tada.  As she wrote these words....."I want to learn to be content.  I want internal quietness of my heart, supernaturally given, that gladly submits to You, God, in all circumstances.  Today, I begin seeking this treasure in You"..........I saw that whether it is a broken neck or a broken heart......You know best how to help us get through the joys and sadness's of our lives.  Laying myself and my issues at the foot of the cross is the place I should set up a tent and begin living my life.......because it seems to be where I am most of the time.  It is not with trepidation that I move on from here.  Honestly, Lord........and I mean this......I really believe that You have my best interest at heart.  That, my concerns......are Your concerns.  (That is hard to believe when there is so much more of importance for You to handle.)  But, I will believe it, just because You said to.  So then, once again,  I give it all to You.
Satan would have me believe otherwise.  That You don't care.  That You are too busy.  That I am not worth all the hassle.  I know his lies and deceit have always caused You so much trouble.  I will defend You, Lord.  I will refute the lies he tells me.  I will plead the blood of Jesus.  I will sing Your name throughout my day, because .....You are my King, Jesus.  You forgave me.  You love me.  And, one day I will see Your face.  Praise the Lord. 
I pray today in the name of Jesus.  Amen.

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