My Life Verse

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in Thy sight O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Another gift of Your Love...a child to raise!

You know Lord....I never know what is going to come out (of my mouth, ie.. head) when I start my writing. I think of so many things during the day when I don't have a pen in my hand....and
want to stop and write....but, quietly yelling out those SOS prayer's during those times are okay and as helpful as You always "hear" what I'm not saying.
I don't know why I ever really feel like I'm praying unless I can write out those completed
thoughts.....but, I thank You that I still can talk to You in my mind, in my heart, and in my
spirit. However it all works (and I know it does)....the important thing is that You are listening
to me. Amazing! It truly is. I remember, 39 years ago, getting up to head to the hospital to
have my beautiful baby girl. I didn't know then that "she" was a girl. I never really had to think
too hard about a boy's name. That was a no-brainer. But, the girl's name was a major process.
John and I came up with it together. He had the middle name down. Rochelle. We'd had a
Christian movie at our church for a Sunday evening service....and the main female character's
name was Rochelle.....and he really liked it. I, had been nursing quite a few names for our new
daughter. Marcy was a lead female character in a story I had recently read. I thought the two
combined sounded nice and so, as I headed into the labor room for my induced labor to begin,
I knew what I would name this little one of mine. She was the biggest, little bundle I had ever
delivered. Nine pounds and 8 ounces. From the start I knew she was our little angel. Thank
you Lord, for this precious child that You gave me to raise. I always find myself in awe of the
magnitude of what all of this really means. To be given the gift of a child....and knowing that You
placed me in charge...well, it truly is an amazing responsibility. I worried. I clucked. I worked. And
I clucked some more. And, You Lord....You gave me a daughter that has made me a contented
mom. She shines for her family and all who come in contact with her. Thank you for giving her
to her dad and me. I am blessed beyond all measure. And, this is my prayer to You today.'s all I need today. To tell You of the blessings You have provided....the gifts of
needs met.....all of it.....I place back in Your hands. All things that You touch and then provide
again and again and again, are best when turned back over to You. I pray today Lord because
You have once again, exceeded all I ever wanted or needed....You are my refuge. In You I place
my trust. Amen and Amen again.

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