My Life Verse

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in Thy sight O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Sweetness of Your Approval, Lord!

I found myself struggling this morning, Lord. I told my daughter I would fix a meat
sauce for a spaghetti supper tonight. I got to the point where I needed to start seasoning. Therein began a problem. I could not taste what I was doing to the sauce.
The cold or sinus or whatever my problem has been the last 4 weeks has taken away all
my sensitivity to taste. Lord, I thought about You as I did this....I had to depend on the taste buds of everyone else I asked....and no one's taste buds are the same. You know Lord, I find that I do not like to rely on anyone else's tastebuds. I always depend on the sweetness of sugar to offset the acidity of the
tomato....I can usually depend on the end result being a sauce I can savor. I so need you to nudge me to work on the sweetness factor to offset the acidity of my
nature and make me kind.....loving.....patient....thoughtful in my interactions with
those I am called to minister to.
So....Lord, I am wondering why I think I need the approval of all I meet or know. I've read the books. And wonderful as they are,the end result is still elusive to me.
At my age, I wonder why I care so much about what people think. This has been a trial
to me as long as I was aware that having the affirmation of others is more of a need
rather than a want. Lord, as You can see, as long as I am alive, I will seek the will
of Your heart for me....and I will continue to believe that if I am doing my best for
You, YOU are pleased. Help me remember what I just prayed to You. Help me use the "by
faith" concept to grow in Your grace. I love the word GRACE. It shows me the gentleness of the God You are to me.
Once again, I say to You...."I love You, Lord....and I lift my voice, to worship You
O my soul, rejoice! Take joy, my King, in what You hear. May it be a sweet, sweet
sound in Your ear!
That sweet sound in Your ear, is my resolve to be Your instrument today. In Your name
I pray and place my requests....Amen.


  1. Corrine, The Lord is using you as an instrument or a tool, this can, and I pray will reach many. You are speaking from the heart and we all can learn from what God is laying on your heart. May The Lord continue to bless you and all your endeavors. In Christian Love, Bonnie Leveque

  2. I make a good sauce would be hard to judge if it was right if I couldn't taste. I enjoy reading what you write in this blog.

  3. Your honesty is so refreshing! It's good to know we struggle together and we are not alone in the struggle. Yes, in our minds and (most of the time ) in our hearts, we know God is with us. But we are creatures of flesh, who sometimes need a creature of flesh in front of us to encourage, empathize, and pray with and for us.

    Be encouraged that the Lord sends your help in unexpected packages! In praying and helping another, we will also be helped and healed.

  4. Where would we be without grace. Now a cooking note grate carrots and place them in your sauce it cuts down on the acid and no one will know they are there.
