My Life Verse

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in Thy sight O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Wondering how.....and When

Lord, sometimes I get so tired of waiting. I believe You understand how my mind works(it's so good that you do) and I know You are looking out for my best....but, Lord, I
get so weary. You have me and mine in the palm of your hand. I pray pretty consistently about all of our needs, some of our wants and try to leave the rest to fit in where it goes best.

No sense. None of this makes sense to me.
Waiting, begging. Waiting some more. Hoping. Being SURE you're listening. Waiting some more. Okay, I might as well be honest since You are well aware what I am thinking it....sometimes I am silently YELLING because I don't know IF YOU CAN HEAR ME. Sorry Lord. I know I am a pip to put up with. Oh, how I love it that I can talk to You and I'm sure You are getting a kick out of my antics....hmmm.....(atleast I hope You are). And, how I love
it that You see what I'm writing or hear what I'm speaking, and You shake Your head in Your Heaven, and say, "When is she EVER going to learn?" All I know is that I want
what YOUR will is for each of us. Our lives depend on it. My wants are not important when YOU are in the driver's seat. Take us on this ride with you, Lord.
I will try to sit in the back seat....keeping my mouth shut. Inside I may be screaming, "WHEN ARE WE GOING TO GET THERE?" , (I'll work on that, Lord), but for now
I'm not going to suggest that we turn right at the next light. You are the only GPS
we need. I've always known it. I've always believed it. Now, I'm going to live it.
I promise. I think.Please Lord.... Help me. I feel like a lost cause.

How in the world do You stand me? I ask, prayerfully and hopefully for Your will to be done. In Your name, I pray.
Amen and Amen!


  1. I love this, you are so open and you speak the many of us feel the same way, but we were afraid others would not understand. This is truely the Lord's work showing in your life. I am proud and honered, to have had the pleasure of having the Lord to allow us to become good friends. Take care, I will visit your site often. loveyourscrabblebuddy!

  2. I've found too often that people falsely judge others because of flaws in themselves. No one said being a Christian was easy, ESPECIALLY not the Lord. And NO ONE is perfect, EXCEPT the Lord! We walk our individual walk with Him, seeking Him for our comfort and peace, our refuge and our solace.

    Thank you for stepping out in faith to show the world the tender parts of yourself and allowing them to see that in our imperfections, He is shown perfect!

  3. Ok I just found this blog tonight and I will take the time to read every letter. To me the reader I sense some anger and some humor. I have laughed and cried while reading it. I'm sure that as a teenager back in the mid seventies there where many of nights that I left youth group that the leader said after I left "That boy is incorrigible." According to Websters -Incorrigible bad beyond correction or reform.
    As sure as I'm sitting here tonight writing this I really believe that our youth leader might have locked herself in a room and yelled out to the LORD why me LORD.
    I would come back week after week and things changed a little at a time. She probably thought she was getting nowhere but she had planted a seed and with her fine guidance, patience, and faithfulness that seed began to grow. Her husband played a big part in planting that seed.
    One day her husband had the honor of preforming the marriage ceremony of my wife and I. Our marriage grew, our faith grew and then one day the fine pastor and his wife decided it was time to move on GOD was calling them elsewhere.
    Little did they know that the seed that they had planted in this young couple took deep roots. Roots so deep that when they faced a living HELL some 20 years later when most marriages would have been torn apart, the anchor held in spite of the storm.
    John and Corrine thank you for giving to the LORD we our lives that have been changed.

    Love Scott & Donna
